[Read5for5 📚] The Physics of Productivity: Newton’s Laws of Getting Stuff Done
Hi friends,
This is Kei and Kazuki from Glasp 👋
We are excited to start Day 2 of the 5 Day Reading Challenge 📚✨ Here are three good articles we choose, so when you finish reading any of them or any article you want, share it on Twitter with the hashtag, "#read5for5"! Let's read good articles together and connect with like-minded people🤝
Today's Reading List 📚
by Rachel Cramer (3 mins)
Combining two strategies—spacing and retrieval practice—is key to success in learning, says Shana Carpenter. The benefits of spacing and retrieval practice have been confirmed over and over in studies in labs, classrooms, and workplaces, but these two techniques haven’t fully caught on.
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(2) Three Filters Needed to Think Through Problems
by FS Blog (7 mins)
Garrett Hardin's Filters Against Folly outlines three filters to help interpret reality: the literate filter, the numerate filter, and the final filter of "and then what?" Language is action, so it's important to understand what is really being said. Numerical fluency is essential to understanding claims and assessing problems rationally. Proposed solutions and interventions will have a multitude of effects, so it's important to consider them in their totality. No single filter is sufficient for reaching a reliable decision, so they must be used wisely together.
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(3) The Physics of Productivity: Newton’s Laws of Getting Stuff Done
by James Clear (5 mins)
Isaac Newton's three laws of motion can be applied to productivity. The first law states that objects at rest tend to stay at rest, while objects in motion tend to stay in motion. To overcome procrastination, start a task in less than two minutes. The second law states that the vector sum of forces on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by the acceleration vector. It's not just about how hard you work, but where you place that work. The third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
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Excited to learn with you!
See you tomorrow again ;)
Glasp team
Quote of The Day: “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.” — Amelia Earhart
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